Benefits Many kinds of research efforts demonstrate that by modifying bitumen with polymer additives we can make a PMB – polymer modified bitumen, which under stress behaves as reinforced material. Included additives are structure-forming; they disperse or create their own structure in the bitumen. The polymer frame limits, on the one hand, flow at higherRead More

The total volume of global bitumen emulsion production is growing due to the advantages of the material over straight hot bitumen.
This video presents the range of UVB-1 units designed for the production of cationic and anionic bitumen emulsions, including unit start and operation sequences.

About a hundred years ago, oil residues were treated with sulfur to produce sulfated bitumen. But the introduction of an air-purified bitumen production technology significantly reduced the usage of sulfur in this area. This chemical element is able to remove hydrogen and turn ordinary links into double links. The unsaturated compounds formed are polymerized withRead More

During road construction works tack coat is an important step that is made in order to prepare the surface for asphalt concrete or for surface treatment. Such measures ensure reliable traction between layers. Priming can be done with emulsion or liquid bitumen. The emulsion huge benefit is its low viscosity. This allows an even distributionRead More

For a month (8 June to 8 July this year), GlobeCore engineers visited Accra (Ghana). The engineers assisted with assembly and commissioning of a full scale bitumen emulsion production complex there. An important part of the complex is GlobeCore equipment for the production of cationic or anionic bitumen emulsions. Note that our company also manufacturesRead More

Bitumen emulsions are usually made using a colloid mill, although other dispersion devices are possible. In the colloid mill energy is applied to the system by passing the mixture of hot bitumen and water phase between a rotating disc, cone or flywheel and a stator. The rotor as well as stator may be grooved orRead More

During 8 – 13 July 2018 GlobeCore officers visited Myanmar. The main aim of our officers was to commission an 8 cubic meter per hour UVB-1 bitumen unit and to train client personnel. We should mention that this unit is designed for production of cationic and anionic bitumen emulsions and will be operated in aRead More

Heavy oil and natural bitumen are oils set apart by their high viscosity (resistance to flow) and high density (low API gravity). These attributes reflect the invariable presence of up to 50 weight percent asphaltenes, very high molecular weight hydrocarbon molecules incorporating many heteroatoms in their lattices. Almost all heavy oil and natural bitumen areRead More

Gilsonite is a special product of ATDM for the mineral known as asphaltum, uintaite, natural bitumen, mineral tar, natural asphalt, mineral bitumen, bitumen powder, drilling mud, or uintahite, which is found in commercial quantities only in the Utah of USA and Kermanshah of Iran. This unique mineral is used in more than 160 products, primarilyRead More

Dear Customers and Visitors of our site! We would like to remind that our company GlobeCore provides an opportunity to increase the existing bitumen-emulsion equipment results. Our engineers produced an additional block. We should mention that additional block has the potential benefits in the form of efficiency and functionality. According to this, it allows to raiseRead More

Bitumen Emulsion Production Technology. Emulsion facilities consist of energy, process and auxiliary equipment required for emulsion production. Depending on the objectives, the facilities may be stationary or temporary. The main feature of stationary facilities is the capability to serve several automobile roads within a region. Emulsion from such facilities is delivered to customers by automobileRead More

The term ‘asphalt emulsion’ was coined in 1890, when this material was first patented. However, asphalt emulsions found no practical use for the next 30 years. The French scientists were the first to develop methods of emulsion production and application. It was them, who first used “emulsified and saponified” heavy oil fractions in ammonia water.Read More

Bitumen is primarily obtained by vacuum distillation of carefully selected crude oil or blends of crude oil. It comprises the non-distillable fraction? oftentechnically reffered to as vacuum residue. In its simplest form bitumen production processes separated the lighter, low bololing pointfractions from cruide oil resulting in product with high bolling point, high molecular weight withRead More

Production of residual asphalt is one of the most simple and economic technology. To determine if a specific type of crude oil can be used for residual asphalt production, the yield of the material with penetration 100 by 0.1 mm at 25ºС must be assessed. Residual asphalt production is economically viable if product yield isRead More

Petroleum Bitumen is one of the major outputs of oil refining. According to the historical mention Petroleum, in various forms, is not a recent discovered. Petroleum (crude oil; conventional petroleum) is found in the microscopic pores of sedimentary rocks such as sandstone and limestone. Not all of the pores in a rock contain petroleum and some pores will beRead More

At present, bitumen emulsion found a multitude of uses in road construction: gravel coats, gravel roads, asphalt road top and binding of dust on dirt roads. At the same time, this construction material can be used in some other road construction applications, such as: patch repairs; preparation of cold storage mixes; surface treatment; thin protectiveRead More

Bitumen Emulsions. A bitumen emulsion is a construction material with high adhesion properties with particles of 1 micron or less. The basic color of bitumen emulsion is brown, but it can be from very light to dark depending on dispersion. The emulsions most commonly used in construction are those with 50-55% bitumen. Among the mostRead More

Bitumen Applications. Bituminous materials or asphalts are extensively used for roadway construction, primarily because of their excellent binding characteristics and water proofing properties and relatively low cost. Bituminous materials consists of bitumen which is a black or dark coloured solid or viscous cementitious substances consists chiefly high molecular weight hydrocarbons derived from distillation of petroleum or natural asphalt, hasRead More

Bitumen Emulsion Production. Bitumen emulsion was first made in Europe in the beginning of the 20th century. With time, new equipment was developed to improve efficiency of production and the quality of the product. At present, bitumen emulsion production is a complex physical and chemical process which requires special equipment. Advantages of bitumen emulsions ThereRead More

Binder Production Binder Production. There are several options of bitumen-polymer binder production, but almost all methods include heating and mixing. The most efficient methods known today employ dispersers (colloid mills) which evolved from regular agitators in bitumen tanks. In theory, bitumen-polymer binder can be made in any bitumen tank with a certain amount of polymerRead More

Bitumen Production. Various types of crude oil are used for production of bitumen, and all the process occurs at refineries. The process of oil refining includes fraction distillation, which results in the production of light oil products, such as gasoline, kerosene, ligroin, lubricants etc. After removal of lighter fractions, oil residue remains which is thenRead More

Road Construction Bitumen. Bitumen, as a road construction material, must meet certain requirements to ensure long service life of the structures. There are three types of road construction bitumen: I, II and III. The behaviour of type I bitumen is defined by the coagulation structure of asphaltenes, which enlarge in aromatic hydrocarbons and interact throughRead More

Water Bitumen Emulsion. Emulsion, in general, is a dispersed system which consists of small droplets of a fluid evenly dispersed in another fluid. In the case of bitumen emulsion, the droplets of bitumen are dispersed in water, which also contains a surfactant emulsifier. Depending on which fraction is dispersed, emulsion can be direct (oil inRead More

Classification of Bitumen. Natural bitumen is a dark brown material, usually solid at room temperature. Due to its physical and chemical properties, this material is widely used in construction and repairs, such as: roofing; waterproofing; construction of structures; road construction. Beside, bitumen is used successfully in production of rubber, paints and cables. The raw materialsRead More

Asphalt Emulsion Production. An asphalt emulsion is a dispersed system which consists mainly of water and asphalt. One substances is dispersed as droplets in the other. Asphalt is pulverized using special devices, such as colloid mills, also referred to as dispersers or homogenizers. In the general case, the asphalt emulsion production process using a colloidRead More

February 7-9, 2017 Bahrain International Exhibition Centre hosted a Gulf Industry Fair 2017. The fair was held in Manama (the capital of Kingdom of Bahrain) and brought together the leading manufacturers of equipment for energy industry, environmental protection, metallurgy, etc. The exhibition was first held in 2008. Since then it was visited by more thanRead More

GlobeCore strives to participate in all possible projects to replace traditional energy sources with alternatives. Some of the services GlobeCore offers our clients is the sales of equipment to process electrical insulation oil and servicing power transformers, as well as rentals of this equipment. It was the latter option that was chosen by one ofRead More

GlobeCore anticipates the needs and preferences of its customers – by producing new equipment and upgrading the existing ones. The latest achievement is– an upgrade of bitumen plant UMBP-22. Despite the cost of modified bitumen being more expensive than the cost of usual bitumen its use is practical due to following reasons: temperature resistance ofRead More

GlobeCore representatives took part in the 8th “Bitumen & Asphalt Conference & Exhibition” international conference in Sri Lanka on 1-3 November. Here is a brief photo report from the conference.

GlobeCore is delighted to inform of yet another expansion of products. From today representatives of road works companies can purchase RBE-0,2 bitumen sprayers. This bitumen spraying equipment is designed for covering surface with bitumen emulsion by spraying it during asphalt repairs and maintenance of sections of small road and other objects of road facilities. InRead More

Own storage and preparation of bitumen has a number of advantages for a business. Owning bitumen storage and boilers allows one to create and replenish material stock without fear of market fluctuations and supply disruptions. There are various types of bitumen storage and heating systems. GlobeCore offers equipment optimally adapted to your business and yourRead More

Different types of bitumen emulsions are used, for the most part, in the construction fields. Among the main ways to use them (bitumen emulsions) are the following: use it as tack coat for the base for an old road before covering it with asphalt; for preparing cold bitumen concrete mixes; for construction of thin protectiveRead More

In the process of bitumen modification with polymers, the compatibility of the materials must be taken into consideration. Not all polymers and bitumens are compatible with each other. Thermodynamic compatibility is the situation when the phase state of bitumen and polymer is the same. That is why solubility plays an essential role. It is determinedRead More

Oil residuals were treated with sulfur to get sulfurated bitumens about 100 years ago. But introduction of air-rectified bitumen production technology has significantly limited sulfur application in this area. This chemical element is able to remove hydrogen and transform ordinary links into double links. The unsaturated compounds formed are polymerized with time. If sulfur isRead More

Based on the degree of dispersion all bitumen emulsions can be divided into poly- and monodispersed emulsions. In most cases, road bitumen emulsions are polydispersed but it doesn’t mean than monodispersed emulsion doesn’t have any applications. Monodispersed bitumen emulsions help to make materials with high optic properties and coloured materials with a minimum amount ofRead More

Multiple emulsions were first applied in pharmaceutical, food and cosmetological industries. Road engineers also became interested in the new material. Multiple emulsions can be produced in the process of preparation of inverted or highly concentrated emulsions, if the technology process is not correct or inital component measurements are off. This material is also obtained byRead More

Bitumen emulsion is a high demand material used in a number of road-construction operations, such as: macadamizing; gravel road construction; road-surface treatment; preparation of “cold” emulsion mineral mixes (slurry seal); manufacturing of cold stored mixes; tack coating; road patching; thin carpet overlap coating. Road construction is not the only sphere of bitumen emulsion application. ThisRead More

Demand for bitumen and bitumen materials is determined by the financing of road construction. It is also influenced by such factors as economics of alternative road surfaces, availability of new types of road coatings, oil price and possibility of material transportation. Supply is mostly influenced by the volume of refined oil. Currently, the global bitumenRead More

Bitumen is a dark or black substance. At room temperature this material is usually solid. Bitumen consists of high-molecular compounds which, at usual temperatures, have a tendency for physical intermolecular interaction. Due to its properties, bitumen is one of the most known construction materials. Bitumen technologies are successfully used as a part of roofing andRead More

Bitumen emulsions consist of particles with max size of 1 micron. Mostly they are light to dark brown color. The specific cast is determined by bitumen dispersion degree. This material doesn’t have aggressive odor. Bitumen concentration can be different, but bitumen emulsions containing 50-55% of bitumen are the most common. One of the key featuresRead More

Composition and the properties of bitumen (both physical and chemical) can vary depending on the method of production and the specific oil field. Unique characteristics of this binding material are determined by the concentration of high molecular components prone to intermolecular interaction. In general, bitumens consist of: asphaltenes; tar; oils. Oils make bitumen softer, decreaseRead More
Designation And Classification of Bitumen Storage FacilitiesRoad construction is inseparably connected with the high consumption of bituminous materials. It is necessary to arrange special facilities and warehouses for their storage and preparation for future use. These may be completely independent units or parts of asphalt and emulsion plants. In order to shorten a transport route of a binder to work location,Read More

Today, numerous studies in the field of road repair and construction materials show that bitumen emulsions have a variety of advantages over non-emulsified bitumen. In particular, it is reflected in the following: – Slowing bitumen aging process down by a factor of 2 or 3 when preparing emulsion-mineral mixtures, compared to the “hot” technologies; –Read More
Polymer Modified Bitumen EmulsionBitumen emulsions are actively used in almost all developed countries for road construction. They are used both in construction of new and repair of existing roads. For example, in France about 30% of produced bitumen is emulsified. It is no coincidence, since working with bitumen emulsion improves quality, reduces duration and costs of road constructionRead More
Use of foam bitumen in road constructionUsing the foam effect in the process of bitumen preparation simplifies mix stirring and ensures uniform distribution of the binder across the surface of the mineral material. Foam bitumen in asphalt mix is economically efficient due to the reduction of bitumen consumption, mix temperature, while increasing the production rate of the mixing equipment. Foam bitumenRead More

Due to its qualities bitumen is widely used in building materials, in particular, materials for roads building and repairs. Usually bitumen is used in a liquid state. It is heated to 100-200ºС and then mixed with chemically inert compounds. The resulted substance is shipped and packed in a hot state. This is the main disadvantageRead More

Upgraded Design of Modified Bitumen Storage Tank SBM-15 Very important among bitumen equipment are modified bitumen storage tanks. At the requests of customers GlobeCore engineering department upgraded the existing design of modified bitumen storage tank SBM-15. In particular a new structural design of a storage tank with downwards pointing cone bottom solves the problem ofRead More
LABORATORY EQUIPMENT for Bitumen emulsion and modified bitumen productionLABORATORY EQUIPMENT Perfection of water-bitumen emulsion/modified bitumen recipe saving costs of components for sample production produce small samples for bitumevn emulsion/modified bitumen LEAVE A MESSAGE UVB-L laboratory system GlobeCore offers the UMB-L laboratory unit and UVB-L laboratory equipment to research laboratories, research institutes and enterprises, specializing in the production of asphalt concrete mixtures, constructionRead More

Mastic asphalt has long been considered a good choice for waterproofing flat roofs, basements and foundations, along with surfacing floors, pavements etc. The mastic is a natural product, a combination of bitumen and integral and comes in the shape of sturdy blocks. Use of asphalt Pieces of asphalt are put into a pot or mixerRead More

Asphalt emulsion production benefits. A number of technologies allow asphalt emulsion to be mixed at much lower temperatures. These involve mixing with petroleum solvents to form “cutbacks” with reduced melting point, or mixtures with water to turn the asphalt/bitumen into an emulsion. Using asphalt in road construction requires the support of the minimum possible viscosityRead More

28 April 2016 Zimbabwe’s Bitumen Emulsions Production Plant started its work with an opening ceremony. The symbolic start was made by Transport and Infrastructure Minister Dr Joram Gumbo, who cut the ceremonial ribbon. For GlobeCore this event was significant because the new facility is based on the GlobeCore UVB-1 plant. Other auxiliary units were manufacturedRead More
bitumen emulsion unitsEquipment for Asphalt Emulsion Production German quality, worldwide delivery. Advantages You can start the asphalt emulsion production business Independence of bitumen emulsion producers Bitumen economy Energy reduction LEAVE A MESSAGE What Is an Asphalt Emulsion? An asphalt emulsion is liquid bitumen emulsified in water. It is composed of asphalt, water and an emulsifying agent. The emulsifyingRead More

Colloid Mill – is a device with a steel body and a rotor inside. It is used for processing liquid and semi-liquid materials making them smooth, homogeneous and fine-dispersed. GlobeCore colloid mills can be used in the preparation of highly stable colloidal solutions, emulsions, suspensions, ointments, emulsions of bitumen, modified bitumen, etc. Principle of operationRead More

Benefits of GlobeCore Polymer Modified Bitumen Plants Polymer modified bitumen is used for road construction The intensity of freight traffic is rapidly growing every year. Proportionally increases the load on pavements. These conditions lead to irreversible deformations, degradation, brittleness, cracking and aging of roadways. In this situation, a method has been developed to improve thermalRead More

The role of waterproofing products Most waterproofing operations nowadays are performed by large companies. Such companies offer many methods, all the time steering the customer to their own, which is usually a room water control process. This universal method of waterproofing products is more of a benefit to the waterproofing companies than the client. ThereRead More

Cold mix asphalt Cold mix asphalt, based on bitumen emulsion, consists of bitumen and water. This emulsion is a liquid a room temperature and does not require heating for blending, a delicate process to make emulsion stable and prevent it from breaking apart into water and bitumen until it is applied to the road surface.Read More

Tips for finding the right bitumen supplier Finding a good bitumen supplier may seem like a very complicated process. However, it is quite simple in fact, if you know how to narrow your search down to the right local expert to serve your needs. Bitumen is a preferred choice for paving roads, public and private,Read More

Tips for finding the right asphalt supplier and manufacturer What follows are some tips to assist in the search for a good asphalt supplier Asphalt paving experience Some asphalt contractors focus in large industrial projects, such as huge parking lots or motorways. Others may only work with driveways or small roads. If you need toRead More
Determining the bitumen priceDetermining the bitumen price The oil prices, while justifying the price of bitumen to a degree, are not a good basis to obtain an up to date bitumen price. The bitumen industry is growing and shifting, some of the exporting nations are Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Egypt , and with the varying production, the pricesRead More

Opening of a new service center in Houston Dear customers! We are pleased to announce excellent news. A new GlobeCore service center opened in US Now GlobeCore equipment and customer support services have become more accessible and operational. Visit us. We are located on 1750-H Dickinson Ave (FM 1266) Dickinson, TX, 77539. Call ourRead More
Waterproofing membranes to protect the substrate from waterUsing waterproofing membranes to protect the substrate from water Waterproofing membranes have undergone a lot of change in the past few years. There is now a lot of waterproofing products on the market, as well. So, what is it that makes a membrane efficient and how to correctly select the ideal product? What makes theRead More
Facts on asphalt emulsionsFacts about asphalt emulsions Asphalt emulsions in India supports cold mixing; it is comprised of a mix of bitumen with water. The emulsion is fluid at ambient temperature, therefore heating is not necessary in its infusing, which a rather delicate process that ensures that the emulsion does not separate into its components, that is, bitumenRead More

GlobeCore provides customer support during design and production of equipment, and also during its operation. GlobeCore staff periodically visits units in operation to monitor their condition and share experience. At the beginning of 2016, the choice fell on Ghana. Transport infrastructure of Ghana is represented by railways with total length of 1300 km, and roadsRead More

Road Construction Methods-Bitumen Emulsions Bitumen emulsions are increasingly used in the area of road construction, whereby replacing bitumen. This binding material was invented in the USA, and for half a century has been successfully used all over the world as one of the materials for road construction. The asphalt emulsions serve as a binding materialRead More

Laboratory Equipment for Production of Modified Bitumen Modified bitumen started its development since the 60s of the last century. It appeared due to reduction of the service life of the upper layers of pavement as a result of increased axle loads and vehicle traffic. The traditional asphalt concrete was no longer meeting the requirements inRead More

Laboratory Unit for Bitumen Emulsion Production In general, laboratory unit can simulate processes on a small scale, occurring in the real world. This is exactly the type of equipment by the help of which the first bitumen emulsion was obtained in the 20s of the last century. Most of the methods of its production areRead More

Advantages of Asphalt Emulsion Asphalt Emulsion is a relatively new building material which competes with traditional “hot” technologies that use oil bitumen. It is worth noting that among the main advantages of using bitumen emulsions are: low power consumption and ease of transportation and storage. Additionally, this material is an environmentally friendly product. The technologiesRead More

Emulsion Types In order to ensure that bitumen emulsion performs its functions to the full extent, it is necessary to form solid bitumen film after it has disintegrated. As a general matter the disintegration rate depends on the reactionary properties of the emulsion and the rock material as well as current temperature and humidity. EmulsionRead More

Bitumen Emulsion Process In practice, a special device known as colloid mill is used to obtain bitumen emulsions. The bitumen emulsion process is as follows: The hot bitumen and water phase mixture passes between the rotor and the fixed stator of the colloid mill. The rotor, as well as the stator, may have specially cutRead More

Starting On 18 October 2015 through 24 October 2015, GlobeCore held equipment presentations in several cities in Bulgaria that included Sofia, Plovdiv, Ruse, Blagoevgrad and others. The following GlobeCore equipment was presented: bitumen emulsion production units; units for bitumen modification with polymers; and bitumen laboratory equipment. The presentations were attended by representatives of the topRead More
Road construction equipment – UVB-1 Successfully Started up in AzerbaijanOn 7 February 2015, GlobeCore’s employees finished the start up road construction equipment UVB-1 unit (capacity 2 m³/hour) in Baku, Azerbaijan. Bitumen for road construction equipment designed for production of bitumen emulsion are in demand due to their competitive price and high quality characteristics of the final bitumen emulsion product they produce. It is worthRead More

Bitumen emulsion units can be divided into two groups (1) continuous units; and (2) batch units. The continuous bitumen units do not include dosing containers. Therefore, bitumen and emulsifier solution are supplied directly from the transport containers. Emulsifier solution is prepared by injecting emulsifier, stabilizer and acids into the water line that creates the reactionRead More
Modified Bitumen UnitsModified Bitumen Units Today, oil bitumen is considered to be one of the “heavy tonnage” oil products. It is the quality of bitumen therefore, that determines the service life of road pavement. Very often, road or construction bitumen does not meet the modern requirements of the market. As a result, poor quality of bitumen causesRead More

On 10 June 2014 a UVB-1 bitumen emulsion production unit was successfully commissioned. The UVB-1 is designed for production of cationic or anionic bitumen emulsions. This material is in high demand, reducing material costs and energy consumption compared to the traditional hot material methods. GlobeCore manufactures bitumen emulsion production systems of various capacities to accommodateRead More

At the end of June 2014, GlobeCore completed all planned commissioning operations and personnel training in Thailand. A 20 cubic meter per hour UVB water phase preparation unit for bitumen emulsions was supplied to this country. Bitumen equipment made by our company is optimized for the required production capacity. The bitumen emulsion can be usedRead More

One of the worst sources of atmosphere pollution today is contamination from oxides of nitrogen, sulfur, carbon, with heavy metals and dust particles from heat and power plants burning solid fuels. The growing share of power generated by coal plants and the increase of the amount of fuel burned leads to the growth of pollutionRead More

Bitumen emulsion manufacturing process In most cases, bitumen emulsions are prepared in the KLM colloid mill. The mix of hot bitumen and water phase passes between the rotor and the stator. Both parts have a complex relief to create additional turbulence. The following types of units for bitumen emulsion manufacturing are available today, batch andRead More

10 June 2014 – GlobeCore specialists successfully commissioned a UVB-1 bitumen emulsion production unit. The demand on the UVB-1 is caused by the demand of the product. Water bitumen emulsions remain in high demand for construction and repairs of roads, waterproofing of buildings, and treatment of metal surfaces. The bitumen emulsion made with GlobeCore’s equipmentRead More
Bitumen EmulsionsBitumen emulsions were put into the practice of road building at the start of the 20th century. Its usage however, was limited by the absence of knowledge about the building mechanism of the emulsions, its formation in the blends and the technological possibilities of the preparation and usage of emulsions. During the middle of theRead More

Well-known that asphalt itself has higher viscosity than asphalt emulsion. An emulsion is a dispersion of small droplets of one liquid in another liquid. That is why it can’t be used at lower temperature. Cold techniques help to reduce energy consumption. It is less dangerous than using hot technique. With the help of cut backRead More

Business trip to Serbia and Macedonia Our company representatives have visited several companies in Serbia and Macedonia who expressed a wish to get know more about GlobeCore bitumen emulsion and modified bitumen equipment. They were interested in process of bitumen emulsion production, exploitation of plants and aftersales service. Polymer modified asphalt, bitumen emulsions are relativelyRead More